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How to quit smoking weed: 6 ways CBD can help you

How to quit smoking weed: 6 ways CBD can help you

While marijuana is  prevalent these days, you may have noticed for yourself that it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. Indeed, people take drugs to feel better, but are the side effects worth it in the long run? The fear, the failure to function as a healthy person, the distorted way of life, or the restlessness you feel when you can’t get it and have to use it to feel okay? That’s all in addition to some of the adverse physical and mental effects of the drug that make you ask yourself how to quit smoking weed?

According to recent surveys, millions of people encounter an addictive dependency on marijuana, so much so that their everyday lives are disrupted. Now, new research suggests the drug’s non-intoxicating relative, cannabidiol, aka CBD, can help mitigate the desire to light up. 

At Redwood reserves, we aim to provide authentic information to help you decide if you or your loved one wants to get rid of smoking weed, our CBD cigarettes might be a good alternative.  

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What is CBD?

CBD is a naturally occurring compound in cannabis, and it originates from hemp, a cousin of the marijuana plant. However, unlike THC, it does not cause a “high”. Usually, in humans, CBD manifests no effects suggestive of any abuse or addiction potential. Also, there is no indication of recreational use or any health-related problems associated with pure CBD. According to the World Health Organization, its legality depends on multiple factors, including what region it uses, its intended use, and how it’s labeled and marketed.

 CBD smokes feel like a conventional cigarette:

If you are thinking of consuming CBD oils, tinctures, or CBD edibles to quit smoking weed, it may not always be a great idea. There is a subconscious factor to hemp smoking that you should take into consideration. Many weed smokers are required to believe like they’re puffing something because they grow habitual of it. It provokes them to think as if their demands are getting answered. If you want to abstain from smoking cigarettes, then smoking hemp is the best option. 

Smokable hemp allows you to experience a similar influence as smoking weed. You carry a cigarette-like stick in your hand and light it up for a smoke in the same fashion. So, your mind will trick you into believing that you are smoking weed, although you are not.

What are CBD cigarettes?

CBD cigarettes, also known as hemp cigarettes, are filled with hemp instead of marijuana. Hemp cannabis plants are rich in CBD but contain little to no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a cannabinoid in cannabis responsible for its psychoactive effects. It means that hemp cigarettes offer plenty of CBD without being intoxicating. Note that hemp also doesn’t contain nicotine, so CBD hemp cigarettes are nicotine-free too.

How Can Hemp Cigarettes Help People Quit Smoking weed:

Hemp cigarettes are ideal for people wanting an all-natural substitute for weed. If you combine CBD cigarettes with other wholesome lifestyle options, users can stop weed-smoking once and for all. Here’s a quick look at how smoking cannabidiol-infused cigarettes helps those struggling with weed addiction.

Helps reduce weed cravings: The Journal on Addictive Behaviors concludes that hemp extracts help reduce weed yearnings in people who smoke. One study revealed that people who ingested CBD inhaled 40% fewer cigarettes within a controlled study. As a result, the researchers concluded that these cigarettes hold neuropsychological effects that help rewire the weed cravings. 

Serve as a safer alternative to weed: 

Hemp maintains multiple neuroprotectant features and also acts as a relaxant. Therefore, hemp products can help with dependence by decreasing discomfort and spur-of-the-moment behaviors, making hemp extracts beneficial for weed addiction.

Similar to a conventional cigarette in all ways:  

Over time, hemp cigarettes have started to grow as a natural remedy that supports smoking discontinuance. These CBD cigarettes are similar to traditional cigarettes in appearance and function, making them more accessible for people to switch to these more robust alternatives.

 All-natural ingredients:

High-quality hemp-based cigarettes contain organic cannabis flowers and no additives. They have no nicotine or THC, providing people with an all-natural and pure substitute for traditional cigarettes. It offers a subtle relaxing effect that assists in taking the edge off addicted individuals when they smoke hemp. Hence, hemp cigarettes help people recline for extended periods without creating unwanted side effects or being addictive.

CBD assists in offsetting smoking cues:

 Cannabidiol or CBD can reverse certain attentional biases that weed smoking impacts. As a result, over time, the ingestion of hemp cigarettes or CBD products can help limit the triggers that cause you to smoke more. A study provided 800 mg of CBD edibles to a group and revealed the smoking-related pictures intermixed with neutral images. The researchers stated that “the hemp extract assisted in making the smoking-related images look less appealing while decreasing the group’s systolic pressure.” Hence, hemp products can normalize drug cues and work as anti-addictive substances.

CBD alleviates weed withdrawal symptoms:

Marijuana is known for mimicking other abuse drugs in terms of the effects on the mesolimbic dopamine pathway. In this regard, cannabis might produce different relapsing and drug-seeking responses that are often seen with addictions. When you take CBD to quit weed, it behaves like a noncompetitive receptor antagonist that binds to the same receptor cells as THC but at different cell sites that inhibit the receptor’s activation by THC.

And this can lead to alleviating some less favorable effects of the THC component.

What to expect from marijuana withdrawal:

You might not find marijuana withdrawal symptoms as severe as symptoms from other addictive substances such as opioids, liquor, cocaine, and heroin can exhibit severe, even deadly, withdrawal symptoms. Still, many weed smokers experience several physical and psychological issues when they stop taking weed. It happens because your body is trying to adjust to not having a constant supply of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the central intoxicating component in marijuana. When you regularly smoke weed, your brain starts developing a tolerance for it. So, the more you smoke weed, the more it makes your brain dependent on itself. But When you quit, your brain has to adjust to not having it. Once your body becomes habitual to this new normal, you may encounter obnoxious symptoms. These are symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms can be so disturbing that people choose to begin smoking again to get a reprieve.

Symptoms of weed withdrawal:


How does CBD help with marijuana withdrawal:

As discussed earlier, once you stop smoking weed, the withdrawal symptoms will leave you in agony and frustration. The good thing is that hemp does not have any unwanted effects, but it brings comfort from these symptoms. Hemp reduces the urge to want to smoke weed. Its chemical properties alter the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors to provide you with calmer and more positive feelings. 

CBD can ease weed cravings 

Try a CBD cigarette instead of smoking weed when you desperately crave smoking. It will help you take your first step towards overcoming weed addiction. By smoking our best CBD cigarettes, you no longer consume THC, the root cause of all the dependency. Additionally, CBD prevents most weed withdrawal symptoms from devastating your body and mind.

Therefore, you can maintain your smoking manner while replacing weed cigarettes with a much healthier CBD alternative. It’s much convenient to quit smoking this way rather than quitting smoking cold turkey. 

Weed Cravings In The Brain:

You can experience weed cravings both physically and psychologically, and it likely involves several specific brain processes. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), which regulates brain activity by looking at blood oxygen levels, concludes that the brain’s reward pathway is profoundly involved in the experience of cravings. Also, being exposed to a marijuana trigger like a pipe or rolling papers can increase activity in the brain regions. 

 Challenging beliefs about cravings:

When cravings become powerful, the risk for relapse significantly increases. The first step in handling cravings is to understand them and get relieved of any false assumptions. Many people perceive cravings as critical, so they fall into pits of guilt when they feel the urge. Instead, one should take cravings as an everyday experience that should not cause stigma.

 CBD restores brain chemistry balance to prevent relapse

Marijuana alters the brain’s synapses, preventing them from releasing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Early studies show that CBD can restore neurotransmitters to their pre-addiction condition, which may help to prevent relapse.

 CBD does not produce a high but may relax people:

Because CBD does not intoxicate a person like THC, it can provide you the incredible relaxation benefits associated with marijuana without altering the brain in a way that might be disturbing to people with cannabis use disorder. Using high-potency cannabis — or cannabis with a high percentage of THC could cause heightened anxiety. So before we jump into the details, we first have to understand how CBD and THC work? 

 How do CBD and THC work?

THC, formally known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical compound responsible for weed’s euphoric effects. Your brain contains receptors that regulate bodily functions. When you inhale or smoke marijuana, it enters the bloodstream, where THC travels to the brain and influences how the brain receptors interact with the body. This chemical loses the natural balance of these receptors and other brain chemicals, creating the ‘high’ weed smokers feel. The effects of this drug are immediate but can take longer to enter the bloodstream if it is eaten.

Although THC may be used for some medical benefits, the euphoria or high is coupled with various long-term effects on the brain and the body. As with any drug, it is essential to know the level of risk when using it.

When smoked, THC compounds move straight from the bloodstream to the lungs, marijuana vapor contains a variety of carcinogens that could be degrading to a user’s well-being, improving the risk of lung cancer. These same cannabinoids travel to the rest of the body, including the heart. When you get high from weed, it can elevate the heart rate, putting heart disease patients at significant risk of a heart attack. Marijuana also professes a significant risk to brain growth and functionality. THC levels can intensify a person’s senses, impair coordination and response time. In large doses, marijuana can cause a user to hallucinate or encounter anxiety symptoms.

If you take marijuana by mouth, it can affect the digestive system. In more severe conditions, ingesting marijuana can cause nausea and vomiting. It can also cause an enhanced appetite, making the person crave food.

So this is where someone winds up with a panic attack or psychosis or depersonalization or sour stomach issues when they take too much THC because THC is biphasic; too little does nothing, too much has the opposite impact. 

How does CBD work?

Now CBD works very differently than THC. CBD does not bind to the CB1 or CB2 receptors directly. For the most part, CBD works by blocking an enzyme in your body that degrades or destroys your body’s endocannabinoids, and you start to make more of your endocannabinoids over time that connects directly to your system, and then you feel good. That’s why so many people feel better when they use a CBD product. It restores balance to that person’s endocannabinoid system.

 What do you feel when you take CBD?

Research on CBD is comparatively new, but some studies suggest CBD is relaxing and calming. It may help you sleep better by inducing happy feelings. 

Many experts consider it safe and well-tolerated in general. But everyone may react slightly uniquely to it, so your experience might be different from other people taking CBD.
some possible side effects of CBD include:

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 How does smoking weed make you feel?

Smoking or ingesting THC is going to cause that feeling of being high. The possible short-term side effects of THC are:

The high from THC can leave you feeling euphoric, relaxed, focused, amused, giggly, creative, hungry, and more sensitive to smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound.

How can Redwood reserves help?

If you or someone you care about quitting weed addiction, Redwood Reserves CBD products are here to help. Recovery from weed dependence may seem complicated, but the good news is, it is possible! Many marijuana users safely shifted to this incredible cannabinoid CBD and never looked back! There is hope for you too. 

If you are worried about your weed smoking habit and fear withdrawal symptoms, and keep longing for a cigarette, why not try our CBD cigarettes for profound relaxation with a clear head.   

For any queries, please reach out to us.  Our all-natural products help you prevent relapse and focus on healthy coping skills.

Hemp-derived CBD is Legal:

You don’t have to worry about the authorities if you decide to smoke hemp rather than smoking weed. Thanks to the U.S. Congress for passing the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, it defended the right to farm, harvest, and consume hemp in most states. Some states have local ordinances against it, but you won’t have any legal issues on a federal level.

Federal Law about CBD:

The federal government identifies two classes of the cannabis Sativa plant: hemp and marijuana. Hemp is the least processed form of the cannabis plant and comprises a high percentage of cannabidiol, or CBD, the compound in cannabis known for its healing properties. It only contains traces of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis that causes a “high.” 

 Why is CBD legal and marijuana isn’t:

The short answer to this is the levels of THC in a hemp plant. According to the law, CBD-infused products and legal hemp should contain no more than 0.3% THC. If the THC levels are over 0.3%, it is deemed illegal marijuana. 

Besides the level of THC, it is challenging to understand the difference between legal hemp and illegal marijuana at a glimpse. Both look the same, smell the same, and taste the same. Just like dried marijuana flowers, dried hemp buds can be smoked, vaped, or eaten. The only way to differentiate hemp from marijuana is with a chemical analysis that renders quantified levels of THC.

How to take CBD to quit weed addiction:

So, as we’ve found out, CBD helps you quit smoking weed. Now let’s learn about how to take cannabidiol to overcome weed addiction? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

 Choose High-Quality Products

With federal and provincial cannabis laws still being acted out, obtaining CBD products that have the lowest legal risk demands a bit of leg work. Authorities recommend being keen about checking product labels and businesses’ websites for any product to understand. 

Here’s what you should look for:

  • Source of hemp: Look for products made from hemp grown in the United States. Hemp, which is grown outside the U.S., puts you at the mercy of that country’s production laws and ordinances.
  • Always Check Certificate of analysis: A certificate of analysis, also known as a COA, displays independent lab testing outcomes that monitor potency and contaminants. The batch number on the COA should meet the number on the product’s tag or packaging. Some states make it easy to find this information. For instance, some companies require to include a Q.R. code on all CBD products labels that enables users to download the COA to their phones.
  • Testing methods: When viewing the COA, ensure the testing lab is ISO certified. The testing techniques should also have been approved by three national regulatory organizations: the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, or the U.S. Pharmacopeia. 
  • Potency: The COA should also verify that the product includes the exact amount of CBD and THC listed on its label both in total and by dose.

 Adjust CBD Doses Gradually:

How much CBD should you take to combat your weed addiction, you might wonder. The correct dosage depends on your metabolism, weight, and the intensity of cigarette withdrawal symptoms like headaches, poor sleep, high blood pressure, etc.

 Final Remarks:

CBD is a possible solution for weed-smoking quitters. Cannabidiol fights with several marijuana withdrawal symptoms like nervousness, restlessness, headaches. CBD cigarettes aid in neutralizing cigarette cues. You can opt for hemp smokes as an alternative to weed rolls on your way to smoking discontinuance. 

The great news is you don’t have to hunt hard to find smokable hemp products. Redwood reserves have a range of CBD cigarettes made from pure hemp flowers. Our brand has earned a favorable reputation because of its all-natural ingredients and high CBD potency. Trust the process, take the first step towards a better lifestyle with us, and beat your weed addiction. 

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